FEWSS Consulting Services

Through our partner FEWSS (Food-Energy-Water Sustainable Solutions) Consulting LLC offer a wide range of services to support our mission, including consulting, CapaCITY Building Workshops, R&D services, and Citizen Science Collaboration/Training. Join us in our fight to bring clean water to everyone, everywhere.


Our team of experts provides water treatment consulting services to help you make informed decisions about your water treatment needs. We offer a range of services from feasibility studies to project management, and our consulting services are customized to meet your unique needs.

CapaCITY Building Workshops

Our workshops are designed to help community leaders, engineers, and other water professionals build their capacity and knowledge of decentralized water treatment systems. We provide training on the basics of water treatment, system design, operation, and maintenance.

R&D Services

Our research and development team is constantly working to improve our water treatment technology and find new ways to bring safe, clean water to communities around the world. We offer R&D services to help you design and develop new water treatment systems and technologies.

Citizen Science Collaboration/Training

We believe that everyone should have access to clean water, and that’s why we offer citizen science collaboration and training services. Our team will work with you to provide the training and support you need to become a citizen scientist and help us collect water quality data to improve our technology.

Grant Writing Services

Our experienced grant writers can help you secure funding for your water treatment project. We offer grant writing services to help you identify funding opportunities and prepare comprehensive grant proposals that are tailored to your specific needs.

Franchise Opportunities

We are currently accepting seed investments and grants to support our first franchised community cooperative. Our low-cost, patent-pending technology is ideal for decentralized communities, and we are looking for partners who share our vision of providing safe, clean water to everyone.

Reach out to us anytime.
We’re ready to take on any seed investments, donations, and grants to support our mission.

Free 30-min Consultation

Tell us a little more about what your needs are and we will have a representative contact you shortly.
